[ragel-users] Strange difference between C and Java

Jose Quinteiro jose at ordinate.com
Fri Dec 5 00:34:09 UTC 2008

I have created what I think are identical machines (except for the host 
code, that is) that don't behave the same way.  The ragel files are 

Here's a typical session with the C machine:

$ ragel client_c.rl
$ gcc -o client_c client_c.c
$ echo "OK callnum 8108" | ./client_c
figure out how to print out the call number.
$ echo "OK callnum 8108 foo" | ./client_c
Parse error.

Here's the same session with the Java machine:

$ ragel -J client_java.rl -o ClientParser.java
$ javac ClientParser.java
$ java ClientParser "OK callnum 8108"
$ java ClientParser "OK callnum 8108 foo"
Parse error.

It seems like the "%" transition action works differently in Java and C. 
  If I change the transition action to and "@" I get "figure out how to 
print out the call number." several times. This is true for both the C 
and Java versions.

What am I doing wrong?

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