Splitting common definitions and actions implementation

Martin Pirker Martin.Pir... at iaik.tugraz.at
Mon Mar 31 14:59:04 UTC 2008

Hello ragel-users...

I was pondering, if I want to use the same Ragel machine with different
language backends, how would it be possible to seperate common logic
from language dependent action implementation.

E.g., I have a core.rl file with the bulk of common logic and I want a
c.rl and java.rl file which "include core.rl".
In core I need to reference actions which are not defined there, in the
language dependent files I need to reference constants/states of the
common logic.

Do I have to duplicate common definitions if I want to develop two
language implementations simultaneously, or am I missing a way to
workaround this circular dependency problem?


PS: Did anybody read the ~500 lines of Google Terms of Service to create a
Google account, just to be able to join this list/group to ask a question? :-/

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