% Leaving Action Questions

francois.beausoleil francois.beausol... at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 03:59:27 UTC 2008

Hello Adrian,

On 25 fév, 17:01, "Adrian Thurston" <thurs... at cs.queensu.ca> wrote:
> The problem is the any* at the beginning of bla. It creates an ambiguity for the bla*. Changing that to bla** will fix that.

Thanks for that.  I did finally manage to implement something that
works for the vast majority of cases.  I can identify "closes #123,
fixes #321" and other patterns.  My problem is now "assigned to
francois".  Here's my latest machine:

      machine commit_message_parser;

      action mark { mark = p }
      action bugid { bugid = data[mark .. p] }
      action name { name = data[mark .. p] }

      action close { action = :close }
      action fix { action = :fix }
      action reference { action = :reference }
      action reopen { action = :reopen }
      action reactivate { action = :reactivate }
      action implement { action = :implement }
      action assign { action = :assign }
      action notify { listener.send(action, bugid.pack("C*")) }
      action notify_assign { listener.send(action, name.pack("C*")) }

      bugid = ("#" ('1'..'9')>mark ('0'..'9')**)@bugid %notify;
      bugid_separator = (space* (punct | /and/i) space*);
      bugids = (bugid (bugid_separator bugid)*);

      close = (/close/i /s/i? /:/?) %close;
      fix = (/fix/i /es/i? /:/?) %fix;
      reference = (/reference/i /s/i? /:/?) %reference;
      reopen = (/re/i? /open/i /s/i? /:/?) %reopen;
      reactivate = (/re/i? /activate/i /s/i? /:/?) %reactivate;
      implement = (/implement/i? /s/i? /:/?) %implement;
      assign = (/re/i? /assign/i /ed/i? (space+ /to/i)?) %assign;
      name = (alpha)+ >mark %name;
      assignto = (assign space+ name) %notify_assign;

      keywords = (close | fix | reference | reopen | reactivate |
      text = (any - (keywords | bugids));
      main := (text* (keywords space* bugids)*);

With this machine, Ragel doesn't recognize "The parser assign
francois." (meaning my notify_action isn't called).  But it does
recognize "The parser assign to francois.", but says the name is "to

> You might want to consider using a scanner to find the interesting things. In the event of only a partial match it can default to another pattern.

Regarding scanners, I looked at chapter 6 of the guide, but couldn't
find an immediate application.  I don't really know where/how to start
to write my scanner.

Thanks for any other help !

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