runaway action

Manfred_Nowak svv1... at
Sat Aug 2 18:52:30 UTC 2008

On 2 Aug., 13:01, Manfred_Nowak <svv1... at> wrote:
> How to fix this?

For this the source might be helpful. The host language is D.

  machine sink;
  write data;
import std.stdio;
void main( char[][] argv){
  assert( argv.length>1);
  int cs;
  char* eof;
  char* p=&(argv[1][0]);
  char* pe=&(argv[1][argv[1].length-1]);
  eof= pe;
action clr {
  writefln( "clr");
action a1 {}
all= start: ( '' -> l1),
'b' -> l2
| 'd' -> l7
| any -> l1
l2: (
'c' -> l3
| any -> l1
l3: (
'd' -> l4
| any -> l1
l4: (
'a' -> l5
| any -> l1
l5: (
'b' -> l6
| any -> l1
l6: (
'b' -> l12
| 'c' -> l3
| any -> l1
l7: (
'a' -> l8
| any -> l1
l8: (
'b' -> l9
| any -> l1
l9: (
'c' -> l10
| any -> l1
l10: (
'd' -> l11
| any -> l1
l11: (
'a' -> l8
| 'd' -> l12
| any -> l1
l12: (
any -> l12
| '' -> final
main:=  all ;
     write init;
     write exec;
  if( cs >= sink_first_final ){
  } else {
    writefln( "sorry.");

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