Hi Adrian and friends,<br><br>I need to re-parse some input, starting at an offset
and an initial state. I know I can just set "p" to the offset and "cs"
to the state, however, my states are meaningful outside of the parser.
My program is a language parser for syntax highlighting, so I need int
constants that represent the type of tokens founds. I need some way of
saying, "parse this char[] at offset X using initial token type
LITERAL_CHAR". I don't care if the LITERAL_CHAR constant is the same as
the parser state, but I need some way of setting "cs" to a specific
machine name or label.<br>
<br>I came across a post on the mailing list from 2007 saying, "For a
really long time now I've been meaning to implement a new feature which
should help you out. %% write entry <machine_or_label>;". This
would work nicely I think. I guess it has been a *really* really long
time now, eh? :D Is there any chance that this feature could be
implemented soonly?<br>
<br>Thanks!<br>-Nate<br><br>PS<br>Ragel is so awesome! :)