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Hi Guys,<BR>
Please accept my apologies for the email clutter but I forgot the attachment ....<BR>
On Wed, 2009-09-02 at 13:08 -0400, Neil Webster wrote:
I am trying to create a reusable structure for reading in data from a
binary data stream. I have attached a ragel file that demonstrates the
problem I am having and would appreciate tips and advice on what I am
doing wrong or better ways to go about solving the problem.
I have defined Word8b, Word16b and Word32b to represent the blocks I
will be reading from the data stream. The data is accumulated into a
temporary variable (temp) and then assigned to the specific variable on
exit from the appropriate machine. It works fine for small numbers but
does strange things with numbers >127. It seems to be a problem with
signed vs unsigned but I can't figure out what it is.
What I expect
a8 1 b8 ff a16 2 b16 fe a32 3 b32 fd
What I get
a8 1 b8 ffff a16 2 b16 fffe a32 3 b32 fffffffd